Welcome to my poetry website! Pink poems are love poems & blue poems are more general “life” poems. Each poem is interrupted by photographs and ends when you’ve reached the SoundCloud portion.
I’m working on a new email newsletter for post updates. xx
Poem: A city that’s lit by hesitation
I love when you spin your head towards the sea
Make little effort in getting to know me
Velveteen pink intoxicates you & gets you unglued
Turkish golds in Marina del Rey
Thought it was ironic I had no memories of that day
We could pull the cord at the same time
He said
He falls in love way too soon
Well, that’s one way to push me away
Cos if you don’t
Want the love I’m giving you
That’s one way to guarantee I won’t stay

Free-er than a girl in a sundress in a field of crystallized diamonds and wildflowers
Did I hype you up too much
I’m so used to sitting on the sidelines
Perhaps I talked about my love for Chicago a bit much
You temporize your moves to buy some time
In the lights of the city, the hypnotic haze
We were strolling along
And I was thinking
I could really be just about anyone

It’s not my cashmere
Tiffany & Co’s, 2 pairs, credit card swipe
Not about that, huh, too lavish for ya, huh
I’m simple, I’m homemade, I might’ve been
Too much of me for the you that you were showing me when you were standing with a cigarette & I thought you should dispose of that properly in a trash can
Life’s so lavish when it’s only you that’s there for you
I don’t live like that
And I was thinking
I could really be any other girl

He said
He falls in love way too soon
I thought well if that’s so, you should call a cab
Cos I know a love that’s stronger than that
Now that’s one way to push me away
Cos if you don’t
Want the love I’m giving you
Yeah, that’s one way to collapse my stay

I’m in bloom every second of every day
Chrysanthemums growing from the ends of my painted fingernails
Met a guy that didn’t want to get me cut flowers
I thought that’s no way to get through to me
My skin grows every time I bleed
Like just about everyone else in the universe
But I want to matter
I want to be more than a body
I want to be a safe haven
Now that’s one way to push me away
I thought he should really call a cab

Born to sit on a staircase sippin’ a blue raspberry Icee
Dandelions folding around my shoulders
Cut it until it bleeds
Unfold it until you find the serenity
You locked away for nights like these
He said
He falls in love way too soon
I thought
He should
Really call himself a cab
With city lights like these
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