Poem: Growing up (I’m a grown-up)

Poem: Growing up (I’m a grown-up)

I wanted to be all grown up
I wanted to be all –

In the summertime, I’m ravished by a thousand medallions
Fragrances of June feathers and soft remembrances
Sparkling streamers commemorating my absence from the Heavens
And credit cards saying they’ll spend all their worth on me
All their worth on me
The flowers are wilting just for me
I see you put up walls to cover your misery
You know brick and mortar can’t overpower me

We knew we’d eventually separate into two
Composite values
For which an absolute is not a resolute conception
And my evening dress is
Too sophisticated to mention
An evening made for redemption
I can tell you’re apprehensive
Always having bad days
In your chosen remote location for being pensive
He said I was filled with love, his daffodils only turning up lust
So much that I’ve gathered has turned to dust
And I’m waiting, praying, I don’t combust
Memory’s spears have had enough

In trying times, we cut the lines that separate your horizon from mine
And we’ll get through this, every little moment
Is a chance for us to know what we didn’t before it
I’m afraid but I don’t show it
I have to pay, but to whom do I really owe it?

Next to paradise canyon and the dooming, glooming waterfalls
I look across a thousand strangers’ faces
Crisp and green, tinted-pink eyeballs
I’m made of riches
And I think this itch is
Giving me a headache like when you lie in your bed awake
And you don’t know how much more laughter you can take
You don’t know where Eden’s best diamonds are made
And whether your loss is a loss, or if it’s fate
I chose not to eat my birthday cake
I almost threw up from the bitter taste
You said honey wait, yeah okay, I’ll wait
A thousand streams in my mind for me to paint
I love making you melt, watching you cascade
When is too late, really too late?

I want you crestfallen in an amber honeypot from Hell
I want to bathe in the remaining residual prime numbers from orthodox haven
I want your miscalculations to sound like compliments
Watering my house plants
Completing my silly little routine tasks

Your lies are a chore and your cradle is where you were born and this city is what we will go on to forever mourn
Several traced pathways to the kingdom we couldn’t seize
Drinking strawberry soy ice cream milkshakes
Like how much more is it gonna take
Like how much more time am I throwing away
How many more birthdays to memorize for the sake of remembering dates
I lost my sanity somewhere where I said goodbye
To all the people that died slow deaths begging for me to stay
I made it to the pink, comforting, but swollen cave
And I thought about my biggest mistakes
Days passed as I made my way through the trenches
To find your favourite New York City bench, which is
The place of sentences interlaced back and forth
In a crochet-knit paradise of conventions
Where you were too handsome for me to mention
Any hesitation or break in my thought patterns

Like whether love was all that really mattered
When I’d stay up late, crystal daisy-filled vineyards I would destroy before you rose with the sun
I could have sworn I was coming closer
But I was the only one
And I am the only one
Calling you from this telephone booth
Telling you I think I’m ready to grow up now

Do you have some time to find me now
To figure me out
To spend days with a girl in a blue satin dress
That took several hours getting dressed
Because inherently she thinks she’s a mess
And romance can bring impending stress
When you don’t feel that you are, the portrait of your complete best

Can I come home now
I’ve been alone now
In this telephone booth with a line forming around the corner
And if I were yours, I’d put everything in order
But twice is too much, and you thrive on disorder

I’m all grown up now
Can I come home?

I wanted to be all grown up
I wanted to be all –

Love poem: Fine craftsmanship (prayers)

Love poem: Fine craftsmanship (prayers)

Wild sweet jasmine
To be your
Ruby red grapefruit, in the evenings
I created the end, and I made it into a new beginning
Cowboys on ranches far away
White carnations
Love letters – February through May
The bitter ruins of my golden but soft decay
My work is my turmoil, my kingdom is where I’ve come home to play
Twirl my hair around thorns, like the ocean
Softly sway
Hips in the distance
Grey fossils, treasured finds
A new day, a fresh surprise
My loving green eyes

Tan corduroy jacket
Your bitter resentment
Hollow times with crisp features
A medieval castle for which the chambers held me too tightly
At an uneven slant
A rug on the floor of rather ravishing woodwork
Fine craftsmanship
Estranged notices
French boutiques
Dolls, eerily
In singular form
Entranced forever
When you say your prayers, who are you saying them to
Do you believe they can hear you?

John Wayne’s face engraved on a keychain I bought in a tiny town in Texas
The boys were awfully nice
They said the funniest things
I could imagine, I could imagine
Turning suddenly
Away from the shore
Hardly ever get bored
Always waiting for more
Deftones on megaphones
White leather cowboy boots, whatever fashion means to you
It means nothing to me; I’m so at peace in the wild country
I want to be smothered in everything
I want the most handsome boy in the entire world to come marry me

A sticker peeling off a cup, washed one too many times
I saw what you wrote in your letter
I thought you hinted at
It was transparent
So fluid I almost didn’t have to read between the margins
You held your gaze low
I knew what you were about
I can ache but I can hardly shout
Not a day goes by where I don’t rearrange my doubts
And I may mean little to you, but that’s something to think about
The violent vehemence of what this rendition says in whispers to you, me
My small town
My spam risk
My desolate, brisk characteristics like islets of weakness and Beethoven
Beaming down the hallway
Fresh-faced, rosy
She’s so pretty, she’s so pretty, she’s so graceful & pretty
Mid-16th century dream queen

Am I reminiscent of anything that bores you to death
Amphitheaters of despair
Hold me
Unfold me
Run wild with me

Be forever unafraid with me

Who do you say your prayers to
Do you really believe they can hear you

Poem: My honeybee (ocean waves)

Free verse love poem: My honeybee (ocean waves)

Does he read these
Has he noticed
Does it matter?

I’m sitting beside the pool
Facing me
Is a honeybee
Attracted to fruit
And a porcelain girl
Soft around the edges
I allow it to crawl around and wrap itself around my ring finger
I guess we’re married now

Little thing
It doesn’t matter how much sunblock I put on, I can’t block out the sun
Coming down on me, waterfalls
Like smooth rainfall
Leaving me flush-faced, soft grace
Bitter taste
Don’t remember what it feels like
Can’t be bothered to recall
You once had me enraptured
I almost thought I had been in love
Like diamonds

I’m soft peaches in the summertime
I make fun of you so much for listening to Sublime
It’s such bad music!
Change the channel
The cute expressions you get from your grandfather
You’re oh so mysterious
You can’t be bothered!
I laugh to nobody but myself (in my head)
Washed out riverbed
Covered with vines, rusty garden shed
Honey-crisp apples, I belong to myself
The sweetest
In all of the land
I run right through you
Like falling quicksand
Can’t help it
I kind of like when I tan

It reminds me of the best parts of my dad

The Dnieper river that to me was a beach
I wanted to be pretty
Coated in bleach
Smother you with nothing because I’m so shallow
I am only found on the surface, along with the waves
I swim against the current for the epinephrine release
The rush I crave
Marbles in whirlpools
Is killing me inside
And I don’t show it because I’m so shallow
I am only found on the surface
With the ocean waves
Find me here

Then wash me away

Poem: Work phone

Poem: Sent from heaven

Poem: Sent from heaven

You’ve got me fucked up
(You’re no one in particular)
I’m collapsing in fever dreams
I’m weighed down by the fabric
You could ask me about life and I’ll tell you it’s tragic
I wish I could feel euphoria like he does when he’s manic

We separate in altercations, bruises as big as a nation
You punch me in my throat just to watch me choke
Lillies in the garden in Houston
I saw your missed calls
I was too busy reading about the physics of waterfalls
If the water could wash my sins away I wouldn’t be any different
I wish I could feel euphoria like he does when he’s manic

I love dual-toned pickup trucks cos I love things that are fucked up
I’d write out my speech but I can tell you have had enough
I don’t like to share my thoughts out loud
I color your hair blonde, you stare in the mirror & frown
You hate yourself most when you’re lost in a crowd
I can’t feel myself breathing
I hope to God death is coming now
Please, God

Fiber glass like serene amphetamines
I knew it’d only get worse when I left my iridescent teens
I’d drive on the highway
Close my eyes
Pray they don’t show me on the news
No one would be surprised
Feeling alone is an understatement but it’s my second nature
And I’ll write your worst character flaws down on crisp white paper
I want to be dressed in my favourite gown
God forbid they find me naked
I used to think one day in my twenties, I’d make it

I’m not lost or confused
I am led to think that in this life it is I who is to choose
I make my decisions best on a porch swing
I told you a thousand times to pack your things
If you find yourself in prison I said you know who to ring
And if I picked up would you be upset
Would you damage my ruins because I left
Spent a lot of time apart, me I spent the time in thought
I had reasons to like myself but shortly after I forgot

My best friend isn’t my friend anymore
These things are transient, nothing I’m of more sure
People leave because they’re make-believe
I hid somewhere deep in your treasure chest
Curled up in your father’s grey sweater that you love the best
I’m a soft dove, here I arranged a little nest
Every question I have, you treat like a test
When I took hint of the absence in your brown eyes
I began to admire the curved shape of my thighs
And I could hardly taste the sour sting of your lies
Validation from you is not something I ever looked for
The smooth r&b in this bar makes me realize that was a mistake
But if anybody ever loves me I will feel that it’s fake
I’m sent from heaven but for this world I’m not quite made

I drive down the highway to Texas in the pitch black night with my eyes closed
I don’t have my headlights on
The roads start to spin and I disengage within
I’d make such a beautiful corpse but would my father ever see?

Was living this life meant to be?
In the middle of nowhere is the only place I can speak

God, I love amphetamines
If I’m found and my eyes are rolled back, you know it was meant to be

Hell means nothing to me.




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Love poem: A lachrymal honeymoon in the sunshine

Love poem: A lachrymal honeymoon in the sunshine

(Love): an intense feeling of deep affectionu003cbru003e(‘Fall in love’) – develop a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone: u003cemu003eI’ve fallen in love with youu003c/emu003e | u003cemu003ewe were slowly falling in loveu003c/emu003e. u003cbru003eu003cbru003e(Lachrymal): u003cemu003eFormal or Literary u003c/emu003e- connected with weeping or tearsu003cbru003e(Lacrimal): u003cemu003ePhysiology u0026amp; Anatomyu003c/emu003e – concerned with the secretion of tears: u003cemu003elacrimal cells.u003c/emu003eu003cbru003e(Lacrimal or lacrimal bone) u003cemu003eAnatomyu003c/emu003e – a small bone forming part of the eye socket.u003cbru003eu003cbru003e

Are these the pills I’m supposed to be taking?
Are these flowers all for me?

I stare despondently into the future
I know nothing about florets or that which lies behind the ambivalent, shaking stars
The gals on the television
Their long, sultry dresses
Selling ironic nickels and dimes
Lana’s “Honeymoon” on constant replay because I feel betrayed
It’s been a long time coming, but I think he’ll stay
He has violet in his eyes
Marigolds by the window, by the crisp white sunshine
My best friend doesn’t respond to me
I’m reading something in the next room, endearingly so
I see tulips across the horizon
I see guns and I hear their vacant sounds
They soothe me like rivers in-between mountains that cater to the darker transparency of the light under a waning crescent moon
I’ve grown familiar with the taste of metal and dental floss
I want to go to bed early so that I can imagine the rain
The sweet petals on the floor
The bed in your wake

Million dollar babies
Spoke to a mean teenager at the coffee shop
A spilled Frappuccino and a run for my money
Happy because my bagel was warm
I’m getting older
I keep telling the same stories over and over
Nobody’s in town to come get me in their vintage pickup truck
I bought flowers for the entire month of May
It’s too early to tell but I think he’ll stay
Watermelon lime and gin, grapefruit cut into three pieces
Tell me you’ll love me tomorrow
The day after that too
Coffee to offset the backlash I get from loving you

My voice softens dreamily
Creating a reality nobody could dismiss
Rambling, awestruck
Catches a derision of an ill-fated, rather teenage perspective
Feels dim-witted, but it’s no crisis
Comfortable with our personal level of security
Intimacy to be identified with
Rose gold dazzling earrings for the evening bits
Cognizant that the perceptions of others are theirs to keep
And when we lie in our sweet coffins, our mothers will weep
I never want to wake you when I see you’re fast asleep
Picture me in your dreams
Growing fonder and fonder
I don’t scare, but I do startle
You know me; I collect pink vases – originally wine bottles
You know my last name but the spelling you’ve forgotten
I don’t get mad

Identifying the bones of the branches that fell from the Sycamore out back (where we sip coffee without sugar, because we live life to the fullest)
I told you live Oak weaves deep tangled webs you can’t escape from
Solemn state or black residue
I see myself in my visions of you
I’ll never bend or break, it’s not in my aptitude
You’re formulaic with cushion-cut diamonds and pink lemonade
For your favorite birthday, I’ll throw you a whole parade
Take you to Ireland, where the abandoned castles are made
Peach tint engraved
The days on the river with all the green
The way you looked at me
I could never get that scene out of my head
I never could

And when we lie in our tarnished coffins, our fathers won’t say much, but they too will weep
I never dare wake you up when I’m home late and you’re beautifully asleep
Playing with dandelions in your ivory dreams

I think this life’s a mess
But I’m growing fonder and fonder of its shortcomings, it seems
And I play Lana’s “Honeymoon” on enrapturing repeat
If you listened to the words, you’d see it was written just for me
She would deny it, but you’d have to agree
Concrete pours like sparkling waterfalls
Basking in the sunlight, as if God gave it to us for free
If Terrence loves you, then my god, you love me

The way you looked at me
I could never get that scene out of my mind
I never could