Poem: A million shelves

Welcome to my poetry website! Pink poems are love poems & blue poems are more general “life” poems. Each poem is interrupted by photographs and ends when you’ve reached the SoundCloud portion. I’m currently testing a Push notification application. xx

Poem: A million shelves

A maroon carcass that rests gently on the edge of the seashore
Fresh propane tank
Exclusively at your local corner store
Wearing my baby blue doll dress
Headaches from thinking about it

What we’ve been through
I see it in the corners of this melting igloo
Turn up the temperature
Sit on the fire escape, heavenly embrace
Homemade campfire, fire burning up your home
As the water droplets cascade down
I see fiber nectar start to turn upside down

Look through the hole on your door
To see who’s been knocking all night long
Cut the stems from fresh flowers in that old vase
Hasn’t lost its sparkle
The years are like lightning cables, but I’m so stable
Looking through the hole in my door
To see who’s been scraping at my windshield all night long

A poem about choosing whether to renovate oneself.

Such a romantic scene, velvet slippers & cleaning-service-fresh satin
Mop up discarded memories
I aim to please, I aim to please
Now I put myself first
And the whole world is to burn
Too busy listening to jazz to look through the hole in the door
You can leave a note
You can leave a note

Notebook paper by my bedside
Ash covers my deep green eyes
You’d think I’d be surprised
That disks of memories still replay in my mind
While I drive in the rain
Smiling, smiling all the way
Thunder shifting my car
Absolving into the reminisce that is the end of this year

Turn up the temperature
Sit on the fire escape
You tell people not to do what you really want them to
Leave a note
Leave a note

Be the bigger man
Nine minutes until the fan
Turns off for the evening & I’m left to writhe in this heat

Look after me
Don’t look behind yourself when you walk down the street
Holding a pomegranate smoothie
Writing my website in sharpie on street signs

Be the bigger man
Cradle your face in your hands
Turn up the temperature
Turn off the faucet
Sit on the fire escape
Leave a note and then toss it

The trash can that held a million versions of your most real self

Support my work & donate to my PayPal! paypal.me/LilacDoveCA

Poem: That’s what’s up

Poem: That’s what’s up

I need moral support
You’re all so boring
I’m smoking a cigarette in the apartment
Light pink slippers
The room turns to melting frost

I need to make a choice
You’re all so lonely
I’m smoking a cigarette in the backyard
Bamboo curtains
Disheveled in appearance but on trial on time

Serving our community
Driving with my eyes closed
An avalanche and beat-down neighborhood where funeral homes are sold
I love him but he won’t bear arms
So how can he protect me
If you can send me a silver lining
Tell my father I’m tired of waking up and fighting
Won’t you inspire me
FedEx me your venom through an umbilical cord

Dandelion and Baby’s Breath
They crowd around me
Tear out my hair
Laugh at the angles of my bones
The fog terrifies me
Though I’m so aware
I’ll crumble if I’m not composed

Even if I’m brittle
I’ll stay up for a little

I met a girl named Isabel
Passed me an ashtray in her jet black corvette
For how long
For how much longer
Dad, how much longer do I have
How much longer do I have to keep doing this

Just to get home
Just to get home
Closing my left eye to see straight
She had gold silverware in her jet black corvette
Told me her boy was frustrating her because he always forgets

Took the wrong exit off the freeway
Ended up in a ditch
Peace was there
Waiting for me
Nobody stopped to ask what I was doing
If you want miracles, I’m living proof of it

Plain charcoal grey t shirt
I want to write the kind of poetry that scares boys away
The right one will see me for my diamonds and my smoke screens
A bridge gently collapsing
Laying down next to a fountain

I don’t go to parties
Because the people tend to bore me
They stand in circles and ask each other “what’s up?”

Treat me to a soy coffee frappuccino & support my work! www.paypal.me/LilacDoveCA