Love poem: Calm like waves

Love poem: Calm like waves

An acidic tan
Preternaturally, an admin of the entire internet, a white pony
Fed by the energy of the city
I can’t tell whether your brain is my favourite part of you
Since there are so many non-collapsible components,
That strike, a due image that hits my retina in
Just the most perfect way
You’re like magic on a doorstep
You’re the least dumb of all the dumb boys

I like how I don’t get scared
When you talk of conflict,
Curl up in my process of mind
To respond to you in such an eloquent fashion
That you say I’ve brought you comfort
Like magic on your doorstep
I inhale it like the rusty tobacco I don’t smoke any longer
The nicotine patch on the thickest part of my arm that you squeeze

I like that it’s not a melancholy film
But one I’d watch over and over again to feel better
To smile, kind of for a while
If I could, of course I would,
I love our story
How every single part makes sense
Fits together like a puzzle made by God himself
I’m in tune with you
Your red rage and your calm blues
Never hostile, always soft,
So hospitable for a small girl like me

When I lay in bed to go to sleep,
It’s you that’s playing on repeat
I can often hear my own heartbeat
Settling down like calm ocean waves

When I lay in bed to go to sleep,
It’s you that’s playing on repeat
I can often hear my own heartbeat
Settling down like calm ocean waves

So hospitable for a small girl like me.

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