Love poem: Calm like waves

Love poem: Calm like waves

An acidic tan
Preternaturally, an admin of the entire internet, a white pony
Fed by the energy of the city
I can’t tell whether your brain is my favourite part of you
Since there are so many non-collapsible components,
That strike, a due image that hits my retina in
Just the most perfect way
You’re like magic on a doorstep
You’re the least dumb of all the dumb boys

I like how I don’t get scared
When you talk of conflict,
Curl up in my process of mind
To respond to you in such an eloquent fashion
That you say I’ve brought you comfort
Like magic on your doorstep
I inhale it like the rusty tobacco I don’t smoke any longer
The nicotine patch on the thickest part of my arm that you squeeze

I like that it’s not a melancholy film
But one I’d watch over and over again to feel better
To smile, kind of for a while
If I could, of course I would,
I love our story
How every single part makes sense
Fits together like a puzzle made by God himself
I’m in tune with you
Your red rage and your calm blues
Never hostile, always soft,
So hospitable for a small girl like me

When I lay in bed to go to sleep,
It’s you that’s playing on repeat
I can often hear my own heartbeat
Settling down like calm ocean waves

When I lay in bed to go to sleep,
It’s you that’s playing on repeat
I can often hear my own heartbeat
Settling down like calm ocean waves

So hospitable for a small girl like me.

Please donate to my website to help keep the dream alive!

Love poem: Polished shoes & Burberry perfume

Love poem: Polished shoes & Burberry perfume

I don’t want nothin’
The taste in my mouth
To want is to crave is to isolate
Like you’re sick

I may care to admit that it was my fault
My not bothering to understand you, ask the things that really mattered
What is it that you do to relax after a stressful day?
Tell me about the things that frighten you
Make sure for our sake that I’m not one of those things

Love poem: Polished shoes & Burberry perfume (continued)

I’m a dandelion
In your crystal abyss of a forlorn cave,
I don’t cry very often
I want you to hold me throughout the day
Feel close to me
I’m free-flowing like a loose feather
A father that doesn’t scold his kid
A mother who holds you right back

Love poem: Polished shoes & Burberry perfume (continued)

I’m driving, just like everybody.
Driving you crazy, but I think you like it
I’m obsessed with roses and peonies and you’re obsessed with my Burberry perfume
We make a good pair and I like the way I look in the windowpane glare
Cos I’m happy for some reason, for some reason,
Can you tell; can you tell?

You drive a jaguar, no, I’m just kidding
It’s a Subaru
Do you have any reason to believe that I don’t think you’re super cute
You drink your key lime and strawberry
And you like my Burberry
Perfume the way it
Sneaks up on ya
Don’t ya wanna
Hold me forever for the rest of the night

Love poem: Polished shoes & Burberry perfume (continued)

An auteur to be reckoned with, to be recognized
I saw the way you polish your shoes
Like you want to fade into the background
I’ll grab you right back
I’m hospitable like that
Sit next to you on a garden swing

Love poem: Polished shoes & Burberry perfume (continued)

Don’t ya wanna
Hold me forever for the rest of the day
Don’t you want to
Tell me you’re going to stay

The singular beauty
As an eternal optimist

It would be so kind of you to donate to my website to keep the dream alive!

Love poem: Sweetness in February

Love poem: Sweetness in February

Sometimes I look at, my flowers that have died
And I find them more beautiful than when they were alive.

Last year, my family got the most beautiful, dark-green noble fir Christmas tree we ever had
In a pop-up parking lot full of his friends
I personally found him more appealing before he was decorated
Then I cut 6 inches off my hair
No more split ends

Love poem: Sweetness in February (continued)

Somebody stole our Christmas ornaments from the car
The little cute animals my mother and I laughed about when we saw them in a store forever ago
I hope they felt happy in their new home,
Wherever they ended up,
I just hope they weren’t disposed.

Some people – you start to feel disposable to them,
Like the sweetness you carry doesn’t bear any weight,
Like it means nothing that whatever stories they tell you, will never be shared with a single soul
Not used as small talk to break the ice
Never told at “parties”
That I imagine I’d be attending with my future lover because other people have families & other people have friends & other people have obligations & events
Birthdays to attend
& other people might wonder why I’m not there, and I want to be more than polite for I’m awfully curious
About that sort of life.
I pretend I’m not but,
I really am.

Love poem: Sweetness in February (continued)

I didn’t want you for your money or what you promised me
I was just so calm when I would laugh with you
You introduced me to emojis
Now I use them constantly
You’re well aware I love cuteness
I know you favour my modesty
Something got in our way
You may not want to admit it was from both sides
I never knew you that well
Though of course I still cried

Come to my front gate
Wait in front of your car
I’ll wear the outfit I picked out
At the very start

Come to my front gate
To see me, now
I’ll wear full-on sweats
So you have nothing to think about

Love poem: Sweetness in February (continued)

But I know you a little more than I think I do
Who knows if I’ll ever find out if that’s true
I know you a tiny bit more than you think you do
Who knows if you’ll ever understand that it’s true

Sometimes I look at, my flowers that have died
And I find them more beautiful than when they were alive.

Valentine’s Day is coming up…!!!!

Please be so kind to donate to my website!

I own, perform maintenance on, and of course write all of my poetry by myself – and any amount could really help keep the dream alive!

Love poem: In this form (trembling)

Love poem: In this form (trembling)

Do I want love to make me feel better
Yeah, maybe that’s true
My hands tremble even when I type
Do I want to show you how good I look in that sweater
Yeah, perhaps that’s true
My voice trembles when I speak out loud

I don’t want to hide my sadness, dark caves, or anxiety
My hands tremble even when I write
I know you don’t want me to be anyone else
But could you want me back
When this is my form
I try more and more every day
To stand tall & make my parents proud
But I miss the mark
Still pour my heart out anyway

Love poem: In this form (trembling) [continued]

Do you want me to be me
When this is my form
Have a hard feeling you’ll be saying goodbye
I’m too aware to not know the reasons why
But isn’t it kind of cute that my hands shake
Even when I am doing nothing at all

We could pick strawberries
When the season arrives
Because even though this is my form
I look so beautiful when I’m pleasantly surprised
Can you think of why
I don’t want you to know me by
My unwashed dishes and unfolded clothes
I just want to make you smile

Love poem: In this form (trembling) [continued]

When this is my form
I just want to help you breathe
I know how to put others first
While also taking care of me
I know you don’t see the Christmas lights
I’ve kept up to bring myself joy
But can you take me in this form
And be the most patient boy

I don’t want to say goodbye
I think only I know the reason why
I won’t say it out loud
Because my voice trembles when I speak

Love poem: In this form (trembling) [continued]

Can I say it anyway
Can I say it soon
Can I say it now
Can I say it at noon
Can I say it anyway
Can I say it at noon
Before you decide
To do what you wanted to do

I think I’ve said it now
Yeah, maybe that’s true
I even got my nails painted
Picked out my outfit for you

I think I’ve said it now
Yeah, maybe that’s true
Can I say it again
Sometime soon

I own, manage, and work on my website by myself, so please consider donating to help keep the dream alive!

Love poem: Long-distance

Love poem: Long-distance

I’m alone in a garden
I been alone here all of my life
Won’t you save me from
Won’t you save me from

Feeling bitter, feeling warm
Wrapped up in a blanket through the night
I like the smell of blowing out a candle
Keep the fireplace on just for the light
You could find me downstairs
Interwoven with a dictionary in hand
So that I could find new words
To explain how I’ve been trapped

Someone somewhere is watching my back
I can’t call out by the river because it refracts the sound
Bends in ways
Like donut glaze
I subtract me from you when I take some space
I don’t need it
I don’t want it
You made me like this
In soft lavender and harsh footsteps
You made me face it

Love poem: Long-distance (continued)

Frozen strawberry
Smiling at you with raspberries on my fingertips
I spilled oat milk
It streamed down my fridge
Made a puddle on the floor that I crawled into
To spend some time with the ground
Press my ear to the wood to hear the underneath sounds
You had no idea
Bringing daisies to my doorstep
Would fill me up just enough to
Let some of the sadness leak out

I do need it
I do want it
You, with your arms around me even when I’m not cold
Heater on in the truck
Playing with the ballerina-slipper pink roses you got me
I do need it
I do want it
Otherwise, I’d be lying to myself

Love poem: Long-distance (continued)

But I’m so terribly afraid of
What it means to want to get close to someone whose


I’m going to let this go
Don’t want to let it get between us

Love poem: Long-distance (continued)

As long as you
For me

As long as you’re
For me

I won’t let it get between us

I own, fund, and work on my website by myself; please consider supporting my work: