Love poem: Polished shoes & Burberry perfume

Love poem: Polished shoes & Burberry perfume

I don’t want nothin’
The taste in my mouth
To want is to crave is to isolate
Like you’re sick

I may care to admit that it was my fault
My not bothering to understand you, ask the things that really mattered
What is it that you do to relax after a stressful day?
Tell me about the things that frighten you
Make sure for our sake that I’m not one of those things

Love poem: Polished shoes & Burberry perfume (continued)

I’m a dandelion
In your crystal abyss of a forlorn cave,
I don’t cry very often
I want you to hold me throughout the day
Feel close to me
I’m free-flowing like a loose feather
A father that doesn’t scold his kid
A mother who holds you right back

Love poem: Polished shoes & Burberry perfume (continued)

I’m driving, just like everybody.
Driving you crazy, but I think you like it
I’m obsessed with roses and peonies and you’re obsessed with my Burberry perfume
We make a good pair and I like the way I look in the windowpane glare
Cos I’m happy for some reason, for some reason,
Can you tell; can you tell?

You drive a jaguar, no, I’m just kidding
It’s a Subaru
Do you have any reason to believe that I don’t think you’re super cute
You drink your key lime and strawberry
And you like my Burberry
Perfume the way it
Sneaks up on ya
Don’t ya wanna
Hold me forever for the rest of the night

Love poem: Polished shoes & Burberry perfume (continued)

An auteur to be reckoned with, to be recognized
I saw the way you polish your shoes
Like you want to fade into the background
I’ll grab you right back
I’m hospitable like that
Sit next to you on a garden swing

Love poem: Polished shoes & Burberry perfume (continued)

Don’t ya wanna
Hold me forever for the rest of the day
Don’t you want to
Tell me you’re going to stay

The singular beauty
As an eternal optimist

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Love poem: Why I stay far away from you

Love poem: Why I stay far away from you

Lavender highlighter pens and derivatives of peptides
You, sitting across the aristocratic table from me
Bruised in a way that only you could contain
I need a gold medallion for your table manners, white & yellow daisy in a jar
Baby blue periwinkle Bambi dress, dress up for you
Hush, I’m trying to study
But it feels so lovely
The natural light bringing out the specks in your irises

You don’t, really talk too much.
You think you do, but you don’t
Just enough
Tip of my tongue
In flames falling all over the sidewalks for you
I miss you like white stains on my teeth
Think of you wearing turtleneck sweaters in the mountains high up
Cylindrical daydreams feel too soft, too hazy to be absorbed readily
Sad thing is they only stay dreams
Have to keep you far away from me
Cos if you were to come close
Oh, my baby blue, oh I’d love to really let go
I’d love to just let you know.

Love Poem: Why I stay far away from you (continued)

You know I love you so much, I swim like goldfish freed from a little paper cup or a balloon
Held by a child, shaken like a madman
I want you on the highways, the overlapping freeways that make me lose my mind every time
In Texas, in Calabasas, the swing-set of a family home
And how I wish I could just plead
For you to be the man I falsely believe I know you can be
How I know what you need
I’d love to just let you know.

Ultimately, I love you and accept you just as you are
I wouldn’t change a thing
So I have to separate myself
You and me in the same room, that’s violence
That’s you laughing at how I have no concept of what monopoly is nor how to play any type of card game
It’s you making fun of me for the cute things I say and do
It’s you making me fall in love with myself even more in a way only tenderness could do
And this is why I have to stay far away from you.

Love Poem: Why I stay far away from you (continued)

I was seated in the Victorian chair, studying my amino acids
Brought me the worst cup of coffee I ever did have
I drank it all – okay, maybe half, I kept looking at you
Focusing on your manuscript and I was smiling
Jagged edges
Confetti for a party that was never thrown
Like a mountain goat, I could climb diagonally towards you
Swim to you in thunderstorms
Tear you apart by looking at you – not once, but twice
I’m in love with how you look at me and how you don’t look at me and then you

Look up at me
And I’m studying the amino acids
Can’t get you out of my head, you’re the worst

A ghost can’t be in a coma
But a well-dressed boy is a blessing and a curse

You’re like a pill
I can’t

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