Poem: Stone cold and sober

Poem: Stone cold and sober
See you in the Southern states

I want
An indoor swimming pool
My bills paid
To keep staying sober because I think it’s making me stronger
Credit card declined because I used the wrong one
You feeding me teaspoons of sugar
Things that will never happen
Yet I’m hesitant to hopelessly give up to abandon
Resentment dialing up
7 digits on your face
To the lost and fallen I’m a disgrace
Fade into black, hold my soft embrace
I’m worth the chase
Play you like a maze
My enchanted garden, swimming pools for eternity,
Hail Mary
Hail Jesus
Rest on my soft bed, little Bambi
I’m like sour and sweet candy
Sour and sweet candy

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If the sky and the moon weren’t best friends,
Do you think we’d still like them?
I’m like your parasite
I feed and I feed off of you
Drawing in coloring books next to you
Going outside the lines
You pinch me
I’m a doll
A wound-up character
Always late for school
Not one of the skateboarders so I don’t seem cool
The librarian says I rule


Working the late-night shift
My boss tells me I’m simultaneously the best and the worst of all humankind
I can get behind that
I’m wild like that
Solve your prayers like it’s my job
Poetry books on my bedside table
One day I’ll publish when I’m skilled and able
I’m too busy for cable
Nobody’s trustworthy, nothing I can throw your way 
The crystals unfreeze in May
My Venus is in Virgo, so my love life is a crisis
I no longer pay attention to men
Just count hundred dollar bills
Monopoly money
Come to bed, sweet honey
We’ll talk when we’re older

When we’re older
We’ll talk when we’re older
Stone-cold and sober

We’ll reminisce the good old days for eternity
For eternity

We’ll talk when we’re older
Stone-cold and sober




Poem: 1933-1945


We would like you to enlist in our services.

For some people, war is war. For others – dear mother. Russian Proverb 


The painting of slogans on buildings
Young people were attracted to a group that offered adventure
Distinctive military appearances
Who achieved more?
We were all keeping score

The unquestioned leader
Officers and politicians
Ugh, so nationalistic
My brother, he had
A stern political career
In the postwar years
He blamed his associates

Secret meetings
Apocalyptic trains
That would combust all of a sudden
Confidential minutes of a downhill argument
When you’re Russian they think you’re very clever
All a hoax
From the flood, a new world will be born
Signs and wonders are seen
From the unruly flood
Come Holy Spirit creator
Salvation is to befall



Liberation of humanity
Whine about wretched nest eggs
His lack of success
No chance of survival
Less-than-mediocre poet
He died just like that

Nobody cried about it



