Flowers are one of my greatest joys in life- definitely top 3. I can’t imagine my world without flowers, my favorites being pink and white, although I am gearing towards other colors with the more rose gardens I visit.
Yesterday I went to the market and could not help myself away from some pink & pink-orange mini roses. I’m not sure they’re mini roses, but they’re much smaller than average. Maybe that’s just their kind of lifestyle.
I have been collecting bottles- mainly sake and wine bottles, for holding a single flower stem the next time I buy myself my beloved flowers. They proved awfully handy and worked perfectly. This is just one of the fondest delights of life for me. The rooms are refreshed and my mind is at ease when I look at them.

October 18, 2019

October 18, 2019

October 18, 2019

October 18, 2019

October 18, 2019
Hope your life feels some romance in some way, shape, or form soon as well!