Cette entreprise constitue un défi de tous les instants et nourrit pleinement ses aspirations artistiques.

Catastrophes come to a close. For end matters, whatever works. Chase Bank ATM receipts by email, updates not installed. Because you’re just too. damn. distracted.

I don’t like to admit when my head is spinning. I don’t like to seem out of control. I don’t like to seem like I’m perfectly attached together. I don’t like to seem domineering and inherently a threat to the success of others. So this shallow space I’ll occupy, for the week, for the month– until it is time to give in. When is it ever the right time to give in? Shallow spaces.

I’m trying to decide what direction to take this writing space in– lifestyle blog, or personal blog. I will be doing a compare and contrast post regarding the two in my next post. I’m fueled with ideas, some may be knocked off, others more prized and intentional. I like the general voice I’m conveying my points and strings through, though. Isn’t that something, for me, to value and inherently find pride in? Not pride, something less all-eyes-on-me, more of a content nature.

I want to take an in-depth english class. and I am— soon! It’ll be online and while I’m in Russia, but it’ll hopefully cover literature I find relevance in my being towards. You feel like you can do that th anything, and when it comes to it there’s a disconnect, however minor, however pure. I don’t think I am great— I write in my own way, what if it’s all wrong? To read others’ works is to expand the mind.

The delightful treasures of life. Count them, take them in. Laugh at it all.

xo, Elle

Human behavior flows from 3 main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge. – Plato

Trying to figure out exactly where I started and how I have led myself to this point, but no—- why regress into figuring out the past in the current moment when I’m moving forward. Maybe before bed, with tea, maybe. And always in the back of my mind. But not for me to dwell upon. 

Anyway, here is a compilation of photographs that sum up what this month (some, even year) have been for me, and others or within the same photograph by nature, what is fueling inspiration or what I fathom will become of the rest of the month. 


This makes me think. Lovely suggestions, for more open, effective conversation. Also to ask your own self for reflection.
The colors make it more perfect.
This is a beautiful thought to consider. It brought me some clarity, it really did, and it’s continuing to do so.
The possum kills me with his cuteness but vicious self-protecting expression.
One of my absolute favorites. Had to know more.
Like, why? How?
Another one of those good ones.
Don’t mind me.
The texture, the color, the smoothness, the pattern. Oi!
What’s not to love about digital text art?
This HAT.

And finally…

xo, Elle

Elle dit que les fleurs font toute la différence.

Flowers are one of my greatest joys in life- definitely top 3. I can’t imagine my world without flowers, my favorites being pink and white, although I am gearing towards other colors with the more rose gardens I visit.

Yesterday I went to the market and could not help myself away from some pink & pink-orange mini roses. I’m not sure they’re mini roses, but they’re much smaller than average. Maybe that’s just their kind of lifestyle.

I have been collecting bottles- mainly sake and wine bottles, for holding a single flower stem the next time I buy myself my beloved flowers. They proved awfully handy and worked perfectly. This is just one of the fondest delights of life for me. The rooms are refreshed and my mind is at ease when I look at them.

October 18, 2019
Little bunches
October 18, 2019
One of my absolute favorites
October 18, 2019
A bottle of wine and 2 stems, please
October 18, 2019
Pink makes such pretty florals
October 18, 2019
Little bunches in front of my dress rack
October 18, 2019

Hope your life feels some romance in some way, shape, or form soon as well!

Si on prenait un verre un de ces quatres?

I’ve rearranged my materials and setting tonight. I made a delicious smoothie using fruits & red cabernet sauvignon and the bedside table was too far to place my delicacy and evening companion atop whilst writing & browsing. So, I cleaned my desk (partially) but…still, finally. It’s hospitable as of current status. Sometimes I think I make up my own phrases.

I know the state of cleanliness of my residence is of grand importance to you, but maybe it will inspire some tidying up or getting rid of things no longer useful or needed, or aesthetic to the mood. Ahhhhh I sound so instagram. Can’t be the worst thing in the world *insert shrugging emoji*

I had a lovely day even before all this grandeur commenced. Met with a medical professional who was comfortably human in his own nature today. You forget that you’re not the only one who freaks out about things, or finds himself in a rush within a minute’s passing. To recognize these less-admirable traits in someone else but see it in a fond way, that preserves a little bit of the message that things will work out and this really isn’t the end of the world, all this that’s been going on.

Une bouteille de vin supplémentaire, je vous prie.

October 17, 2019
Aqua fresca (watermelon juice)
October 17, 2019
Cabernet Sauvignon & berry smoothie

I had a lot of fun today. See next post. 🙂

L’amour l’emporte.

1 year of living in the same residence. It’s bittersweet but hazy. The same four walls, the same pitfalls. To what degree can a human life change? I find it interesting how much the view changes from the other side of the hill. Where it’s still.

My place is still like a landfill.

I mean — don’t freak out; it’s minimal and all. Duh. But there’s something about the fabric of the curtains, something about the unfinished art projects I put to the side, and keep there. Lately I’ve been working on more pieces, but it’s a steady growth. And that sums up my living in this space, this enclosure — with this vast area of breathing life around me. I am beginning to sound a bit too Romanticism-era (literature) which cracks me up because why not. I can keep my prose & manifest dreams or something of that nature.