Daisies & Sunshine

Blueberries on top of frozen ice
Everyone around me is looking at me
Waiting for me to induce vomit
Waiting for me to cry out your name
Waiting for me to break down and let tears pour down my face
But I find you at last, my most handsome of gods
I won’t forget your face in the crowd
It’s a million dollar check floating amongst a sea of coins
Hand in hand
Again and again

Listening to “The Bends” on repeat
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” (a scream) as an intro
Earlier I thought you were a different person
But subsequently I changed my mind
The more you revealed your belly aches
Free showers at the beach for our legs and hair
My chrysanthemums have died but they’re still pink & lovely
You’re lying on the bed waiting to feel better and I’m watching you lay on the bed wondering what ‘better’ will look like

“Better” last time presented itself as you, with a softer, more warm tone
Picking up medication from the evening pharmacy
Opening the car door for me & showing affection
I wished that night that I’d be happy and I was happy
But you’re so distant from me now
You’ve got someone that doesn’t want you to stay out late
But you stay out late
With me

Give yourself over to God and let me keep the physical body
And the emotional figurine can come by on Thursday to propose

Then life would be perfect, I suppose
Then life would be perfect, I suppose
Then life would be perfect, I suppose
Don’t you think life would be perfect, you suppose?

Love & Adoration

I want to be loved and adored
Dancing around on your kitchen floor
Send me flowers to my residence, white roses
Split your favorite coffee with me
Bike across the city for me
Wildflowers and daisies
Showers and introductions
Hello, this is my girlfriend; she’s beautiful
That type of love
That type of trust
That type of overseas bending-backwards lust

And no guilt tripping me
For forgetting your favorite color
Not tidying my place before you come over
A new kind of lover
I’m ready for that, I’m sure of it
I’m tired of not hearing nice things about me
Does my perfume smell nice enough for you
Does the scent stay in your car after I leave for the night
Do you crave it when you’re on your pillow thinking of me
Tell me you’re thinking of me
It’s not very hard to do
But it does magnitudes for women who
Haven’t heard compliments in a while
Or sweet things in their ears
Come over here

Be soft with me
Stern as a man should be but with me, gentle
Embrace me like you would a child
A sweet dandelion on your shoulder
Make me comfortable enough to let you over
Into my world where things are upside down
And you’re this broad-shouldered man about town
But then we meet and you spin me around
And you love me and adore me
Love me and adore me

I wish for it
And over


Bad boy
On the brink
Throwing up in my kitchen sink
Telling me you don’t trust me
Telling me you won’t commit to me
Telling me you won’t be with me
Stab wounds
Death metal comes to aid
My surrender, painted gold and marmalade
I’m crippling and afraid

I wish to become you
I wish to swallow you whole
I wish to dive into a sea where we can all be immortal and fall into a pivoting haze

I don’t want to pretend

You’ve got no innocence in your blood
Committed every horrible crime spoken of
But I don’t tell your secrets
I’m your beautiful, shiny, silver-coated treasure chest
But when you leave me alone I turn Into a frantic mess
Please, I know it’s hard to digest
I’m swollen and cold
Don’t do what I’m told
I wait for you silently to come by
And you never come by
Too busy working at your craft and succumbing to your shelter
We’re all too busy for the ones we don’t love as much

But I don’t tell your secrets
And you never come by
I don’t want to pretend
I wish to swallow you whole

Spin (again)

If we could have our own apartment
To dance in
To yell in
Not at each other because we’re working on it
But at the sun, at the moon
At the corporate offices that block our view of the city lights
Maybe you’ll slow down with me
Take it in deeply
That I get sad at night without you
But when I see you it’s like I’ve again found you

Again, and again, and again, and again
Spin me
Again, and again, and again, and again
Spin me
Again, and again and again, and again
I’ve found you
And I am sad without you