Behind me

Trying to think about something that isn’t you
But is it true
That you’re a liar too

It goes on and on in my head
The sweet looks you give me
But first and foremost I know you’re coy
Don’t laugh at me boy

I devised a plan to get you to me but now it’s all crumbled up and in the trash
Because I don’t need that
I don’t need to chase after you
I’ve got deeper magnitudes
Besides, I’m softer than you
And spiraling and talking about Malibu
Trying to remember, to remember

Is it overbearing or underwhelming?
I’m a mere shadow on a casket
I’m sleek and I chirp like a little finch
I do it all to get you closer, just an inch
But if I’m not your only then what can I be
A plain taken-with-no-sugar cup of tea
Where else but me will you find serenity
And how selfish of me is that

It all exists in the abstract
You and me– we divide– then come together and dive
Into our own separate seas where you are you and I am me
And we barely communicate through our treacherous waters
Don’t admit that we want escape
That we want someone there with us

You can call me
Come find me
Hold me real nicely
But don’t let me run from you
Because when I do
I go far

Almost mine

He gets up late
Morning is pitch black in the apartment
Curtains are matte black and he keeps them closed shut
In the fridge, half-empty carton of milk
Who’s a happy guy
Croissant and a black coffee
Always with his coffee
Always with his coffee

The hardware store
Middle aged men in a lineup
Hands in pockets
Cigarettes littered on the ground
All around
He’s meeting his friends
Always leans on one side
Always leans on one side
Small chuckles emit

He’s a wild man
Untamable and sharp
Crisp with his wit and cold when he’s bitter
Cold when he’s bitter
And he’s always bitter
Like a sour fruit you knew would be sour but tried again
And it hit you worse than the first time
But when he laughs it erupts
And for him I dress up lush
Though I know he’s corrupt
Though I know he’s corrupt

He is almost mine

Swim with me

Unopened records on the wall
Boy you have it all
Dry bones and teeth
Crystal vacancies
Membranes in place
Come over to my place
We can’t make any mistakes
Your deep voice makes me shake
From nervousness, from sunshine
No one-hit-wonders
I’m starting to think this is forever
You roll your eyes, whatever
I’m going to drown you one day

Night sees me cradling myself
I want to be in your tan arms
I tell you, you shouldn’t be alarmed
When a pretty girl kisses you
It all begins with you
You’re the hot to my tea
The celeb to my rity
Magnitude up to fifty
So jump off the cliff with me
First climb like your body is made to do
Carrying sweet, soft me
Cradling me

I wrote you a poem and you never read it
I said oh well, whatever, forget it
I still somehow don’t regret it
It’s yours until the end
You’re mine across the bend
You’re mine until the end
Lilac flowers and all
Cradle me

Come swim with me
Jagged rocks around us
They don’t scare us
Just don’t get too close
To them, not me

In front of me be your wildest self
Let your untangled dreams come off the shelf
I’m curious to know what’s important to you
I’m eating citrus and fresh honeydew
Melting into you
You are my favorite baby blue

I hope you get a good night’s sleep
So we can leave in the morning
Buy a plane ticket to wherever’s important
You can sleep on my shoulder
Your dark crisp embers falling on my dress
In that mind of yours, no stress
I’m soon to be undressed

Dazzling like daisies
Come drown with me or I’ll push you down
Be the toughest man in town
I’ve finally got you now
I’m a man of my word and you

Are the love of my life.


He says, you’re too much
Too much for me
I say too much for who?
Who’s counting the days
Of the week, of the month
Who’s counting the ways in which I spin you around and go faster, faster
A wishing well in a forest
Where we retrieve our Holy water
Where we feed upon our golden sweet nectar
Smooth like crushed cherries
Smoke thin like remnants of berries
I tell you, you’ve got bad lungs boy and you’re making them worse
You make bad decisions

He says “Are you one of them?”
I skip around and smile
It’s a no, for sure
Of course
Without a doubt
I’m the cherry on the cake
I’m that look you get from someone flirting with you
I’m your favorite piece of clothing fresh out of the dryer
I can take you higher and higher
If you let me
That is, if you let me
And I’m not quite sure you do
And that’s your fault, and my pain

I don’t exist for my own gain
It’s a challenge to go off course
But she who wears pink dresses must prevail
And to far lands of mystery and chaos she’ll set sail
Talking about myself in third person is growing stale
I’m comatose
I lost my keys and they’re not behind the couch
I bought a plantain lily and I don’t know the right growing conditions for it
I sometimes think I’m a mess but then I remember that my father once told me that I’m the best

My father once told me that I’m the best
And God is good
Land is free
And my father is always right
I’m the best

Working-class man

To begin my ordeal
I’ll paint a picture of you
You’re neither black nor blue
A crescent grey by the San Francisco Bay
That’d be a delightful trip to take with you
With you, with you, with you
Holding hands on cobblestone with you

You’re stoic and you’re handsome
A beautiful display
Of a man that gets up in the morning with a set path on his way
Though distractions have come
He has tried to ignore them
Sometimes succumbing to crisp avalanches of boredom
But he always gets back up
He’s got things to do
People relying on him
His assets, his skills
He earns hundred dollars bills
Shoves em in his pocket and moves on to the next routine
Sometimes he’s kind of keen

Part two is where he hides himself from the people that love him
And at times it looks like he thinks he’s above them
But he doesn’t have that problem
He doesn’t have that problem

The fiber glass of the doorway shuts and he’s surrounded by mahogany walls
He feels like he’s there again
Back there
He feels like he’s going there again
He feels like within time they’ll take him back and there will be no way out now
Clerks are answering the phones
Men are in their suits in their offices
Surrounded by the mahogany walls he begins to grow sick, like something vile is to come
He picks up his briefcase, adjusts his tie, and says
“Just another day”
Just another day in the stratosphere
Just another day when you and I are not near
Just another day when I have nothing to fear
We tell ourselves
We trace our fingers on the bookshelves
We know we’re all going to Hell

His steps echo in the empty parking lot from his tan work boots
He wishes for complete silence
End the noise
In the car he drives, screaming at other drivers over lane changes and out-of-state license plates
Sprinkled with some of the most darling grand performances I’ve yet to see, to his indie pop burnt CDs that play on the stereo
You wouldn’t know it was him
That’s why I love when he lets me in
A part of the show, a guest within
The whole thing, he does with a grin

Oh if dancing was a sin

He swallows pills without water
Doesn’t read the labels
I keep my observations close
They’re my little secret tales
He doesn’t want me to be serious
He doesn’t agree that I’m lucky
My arms around his waist
I tell him please don’t love me

Please don’t love me
If dancing was a sin
We wouldn’t read the labels
We’d dive right in
Where we belong, that’s right
Keep you up all night

That’s the feature film
Good night, you’re still my dream
I can still hear you scream
Though to me it’s like a calm river stream

I keep my observations close
These are my little secret tales
Endless wishes for you
That you stay neither black nor blue
My heart goes out to you