Swim with me

Unopened records on the wall
Boy you have it all
Dry bones and teeth
Crystal vacancies
Membranes in place
Come over to my place
We can’t make any mistakes
Your deep voice makes me shake
From nervousness, from sunshine
No one-hit-wonders
I’m starting to think this is forever
You roll your eyes, whatever
I’m going to drown you one day

Night sees me cradling myself
I want to be in your tan arms
I tell you, you shouldn’t be alarmed
When a pretty girl kisses you
It all begins with you
You’re the hot to my tea
The celeb to my rity
Magnitude up to fifty
So jump off the cliff with me
First climb like your body is made to do
Carrying sweet, soft me
Cradling me

I wrote you a poem and you never read it
I said oh well, whatever, forget it
I still somehow don’t regret it
It’s yours until the end
You’re mine across the bend
You’re mine until the end
Lilac flowers and all
Cradle me

Come swim with me
Jagged rocks around us
They don’t scare us
Just don’t get too close
To them, not me

In front of me be your wildest self
Let your untangled dreams come off the shelf
I’m curious to know what’s important to you
I’m eating citrus and fresh honeydew
Melting into you
You are my favorite baby blue

I hope you get a good night’s sleep
So we can leave in the morning
Buy a plane ticket to wherever’s important
You can sleep on my shoulder
Your dark crisp embers falling on my dress
In that mind of yours, no stress
I’m soon to be undressed

Dazzling like daisies
Come drown with me or I’ll push you down
Be the toughest man in town
I’ve finally got you now
I’m a man of my word and you

Are the love of my life.


You run your fingers over mine
They’re made of stone
Your hands’ edges are sharp like a knife
It’s the things you do
It’s the way you are
I can barely contain myself
I spit out your sweat
I’m running out of breath
It’s the way you carry yourself

You won’t read my work
Which may be a good thing because it’s all about
You, you, you
All dressed down, not polished
Diamond in the rough-type heartbeat
The way you say my name is so neat
Like minced so perfect
Early morning Thursday

We split like beams in-between dark surfaces
Correspond in highlights to each other’s dark embers
No pretending
I find you rough in your wake
You’re a coughing shallow pool
I’m misunderstood
You’re getting undressed
The sunset we’re watching is the very best
And I’m thinking, “Is this a test?”

Tan, tan, tan arms
Built like one of your video game boys
Nothing I love more than holding your arm
In the sweet summertime, it’s coming now
July sees us being romantic again
And it smiles, hoping it’ll last a while
Hoping I don’t set myself on fire
Hoping you don’t cut yourself on the wire
That we climb over to go where we want to go and be where we want to be

Be quiet
But it’s only you and me
And I feel pretty
The dusk is ahead of me
And you–
You’re every girl’s dream
But you’re here with me
And I won’t hold my breath
Though you’ll suggest
That we last this time
And I say yes.
Yes, yes, yes
We’ll last this time.