Poem: Angel (first impressions)

Welcome to my poetry website! If the colour of a poem’s background does not change, it’s still the same poem. Each poem ends when you’ve reached the Soundcloud box.

I’m working on a new email newsletter for post updates. xx

Poem: Angel (first impressions)

I’m made of limestone; artists come from across the world just to carve me into
Something that can breathe
I’ve got angel wings
That never tear
Can see right through my own teeth
My future with anybody
Carve me into
Carve me into
Something that’s alive and breathing

Drawing faces on eggs and putting them back in the carton at the local market
Way I walk makes a man wish he could properly aim at a target
Not everything comes with practice and this I keep written on the inside of my inner lip
Angel feathers, sparkly pink cream lip gloss
Climb to the tops of the trees he painted when he was severely depressed
Cut down for a holiday that I do adore
Like the perfume I let flow across my bedroom floor

Hazel eyes that are this close to igniting a fire
Soy coffee Frappuccino, five boxes of matches
A liquor cabinet that only holds candles
My love is addictive, so I’m careful where I place my things
The rocks at my apartment complex are fake and so are the looks he gave
Buying lighter fluid by the barrel
Why would you do that to your own home
When it looks so sweet amongst cobblestone
The air is fresh like a diamond that I found in Nevada
Next to waterfalls that only fell
When I would ask them to

My black jeans hold eye drops and amphetamines
A boy in a beanie ordering coffee has forgotten his own name
He doesn’t know what to say
I say pick one, you can be anyone – don’t you know?
He coughs
I melt
Slip in-between the ash brown tiles that line the floor
I only like three bands that make alternative rock
And the rocks are fake around my block
Like the looks he gave when I sipped my coffee and began to realize I was
So much in the wrong place
Glasses that are black, lips that make you blush
I’m used to
I’m used to being both too much

And not enough

Support my work and make my week! paypal.me/LilacDoveCA

Love poem: Tired surprise

Welcome to my poetry website! Pink poems are love poems & blue poems are more general “life” poems. Each poem is interrupted by photographs and ends when you’ve reached the SoundCloud portion.

I’m working on a new email newsletter for post updates. xx

Love poem: Tired surprise

I want someone to unwind me
Unravel me & cover me back up with ivory satin
Lying on your bed while we listen to electric guitar
Devour me on purpose
Taste my flesh
Get away with murder in a hospital bed

I want to be
Your lightning and your fire
But calm like a river bed
Give to you what your parents never did
Be like the cool buzz from half a can of beer
Charming, light, open you up to the silliness of life
That I hope you see too, and when we come together
We can make diamonds come alive
Spoon-feed cherry blossoms their evening supper
Truly, and I mean truly
Care for one another

I’m a swan in the water, I’m a storm when I drive
Hands clasped behind his back
He doesn’t want to keep talking about this
But I do
You have to choose somebody that accepts every part of you
For someone who’s often misunderstood
Such will take a long time
I close my eyes and think of how long I’ll be on this ride
Then glance in the mirror, see the twinkle in my eyes
I could be someone’s most beautiful surprise

Calm like a river bed
Charming and light
Not afraid of the deep end, the stones with colours that have never been named
I don’t want to feel ashamed
Of the space I occupy
The words that come out when I haven’t thought carefully enough
I don’t want to be ashamed
Of the person I adore when it’s just me in my room
I told you, I’m forever in bloom
Vacate the room if that’s not cool with you

Sleeping soundly and not wanting to be disturbed
He doesn’t want to keep talking about this
But I do
I do
Thinking about the things that seem to only have meaning for you
It’s exhausting
Time is fragile
A car’s despairing exhaust
The first of December’s crystals of frost

I want someone to unwind me
Because I’m so

Please support my work! paypal.me/LilacDoveCA

Poem: A city that’s lit by hesitation

Welcome to my poetry website! Pink poems are love poems & blue poems are more general “life” poems. Each poem is interrupted by photographs and ends when you’ve reached the SoundCloud portion.

I’m working on a new email newsletter for post updates. xx

Poem: A city that’s lit by hesitation

Show your support for my work & donate to my website! paypal.me/LilacDoveCA

Free verse poetry: Dream garden (dust)

Free verse poetry: Dream garden (dust)

Dream garden
February twenty-nine

Too beautiful to me, it is
The way the truth falls but doesn’t diminish its overwhelming servitude
Grief like hollow images and stills
To be flawed and fawned with grey embers & soft wax
Rolled on Ireland’s greenest pastures
My dream garden
My avalanche

I wake up endlessly absolving my sins, unraveling for you
Tell me what it is you want me to do
I’m so aware of what I can and cannot be
And I think it’s best you not be there for me
I tire in my own sleep

Morning cereal
For four in the afternoon
You wash over me like an
Like my dream garden
White roses and picket fences, freshly painted
Soft tuberose fragrance
Dismantling me from within
Fabricated and built in great jeopardy
Soft and of the finest fabric

I think of you in waterfalls, that I’ve never seen before
I ask you to close the door
I’m impatient in the mornings but by evening so wrapped up in comatose fiber sheath
Toying with my own nerves
On purpose
Like a fever dream
Like ants unscrambled
Running out of fear, hiding beneath dust
Moving pollen and feathers to their corporate offices

When I pass by you on the street
With my kitten heels and utmost softness
Try not to
Try not to

Go back to your dream garden
Your avalanche
Beneath dust

Connected by the sheer composition that melts in broad daylight
Collectively held at
A disadvantage
Brought together in the Spring when the ambiance paints a different mood
For the dust underneath the conjoining ether
Without reserve
Still and unenthusiastic
Hopeful, yet without meaning

Find me in my personal dream garden
When the smoke clears

Support my website and my work! www.paypal.me/LilacDoveCA

Poem: Call the cops, she’s in love

Poem: Call the cops, she’s in love

Raspberries and bleachers, always got my head in the clouds
Let’s go to all the places we’re not allowed
Diamonds have meaning when I look at them now
It always feels special when you come around town
I place faith in you
Because you place value in me
Playing your new song with heavy surround sound

Being happy sounds nice & refreshing
It’s seldom what I’m ever expecting
And you know how I love to keep you guessing
Tune you in to that in which I’m obsessing

A transient thought
My hopeless nature
I’m getting the feeling I’m kind of your favourite

I place faith in you
Because you place value in me
Life is sublime with its intricate subtleties
Four thirty a.m., I’m so glad we could speak
Come over & share the entire room with me

Fresh rosemary and homegrown tomatoes on the vine
I’m one in a million
Truth be told, I’ll make you mine
I want to be there for you while I’m still in my prime
I’ll teach you the names of all the bones in your spine

I’m not going to leave
You paint the white on my teeth
I keep you somewhere very close to me
Honorable mention in my thoughts
Lemonade & apricots
Picnics underneath the white sunshine

I said it; I meant it
I laughed, then forgot
Your beloved sports team and our love for Arthropods
I’ll bring you calm whenever you get pissed off
Let’s live in the sparkling world that belongs to God

I tend to forget what I’m worth
I’ll trust that your intention is not to hurt
We’ll wear each others’ onyx black and charcoal grey shirts
We’ll create our own version of heaven on Earth

I’m willing to place faith in you
If you take notice of the value in me

I’m more than willing

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