
Cold arctic fox, looking for food
You say hello and I say yeah, dude
I’ve thought about you every single day of the week
There’s no mistake who I’m with

Will you come sit with me
Soft voice, inviting
No fights in front of the neighbors
No waiting for you to call me back
A sweet thing, a sweet thing
A sweet thing, a sweet thing

I carried around all this weight
Your emptiness, your guilt, your refusal to change
And here I say goodbye to what I previously misunderstood
You’ve calculated it so good
Of natural cause, of groupthink
The way you treated me eventually made me sick

No fights in front of the neighbors
No waiting for you to call me back
A sweet thing, a sweet thing
A sweet thing, a sweet thing


I didn’t want to tell you when I saw you
But you have a habit of losing control
And losing control over that very act

It’s questionable how I should react

Given my stature
Soft, small girl
Uneasy, shy, reserved
Says the wrong things at the right time

So you glanced away, ditched my eyes
Sighed a bunch, hands on thighs
Said you had to go
As if I didn’t already know

So you glanced away
But you have a habit of losing control
Soft, small girl
Says the right things at the wrong time

Says the right things at the wrong time

The minimal amount

All it would take from you
The minimal amount
A display of affection

On me, grant me some attention
Oh did I forget to mention
Your girlfriend is boring
You’re already bored to death
Do you want to feel the edge

Find me again
My address is engrained in a permanent map in your head
Just take me to bed
Or let’s talk instead
About why would we ever part again
Why the sky turns pink when I’m in pain

Please say my name
Gently, softly
In your raspy, deep concentric voice
Better than all of the other boys’
Find me
Surprise me

Outdo all the imperfections you ran into when we were together
Create something new with me
No running away
Act timely

Just slow dancing, you and me
Surprise me
If you can find me

Future plans

Your and my eyes
Dripping thighs
Cool, let the curtain blow

Always enclosed
Rapture happens
I’ll fall asleep in the falling snow

Weirdness and children
Secrets safe within the past
Don’t want you to notice that part

Waiting and waiting
For me to just wake up
Stop tearing my life apart

Pulling teeth (wire)

It feels like you’re pulling teeth
Laying in bed with me
I miss your character
I miss your strength

I never saw your love for me as particularly strong
But I missed the boat there
You probably had my back there
And if I knew I would have cared

Sweet solace, forgiveness
The forbidden tongue
Forever paying for my bad decisions
Your skeptical eye drawn upon me
Dangerous, vigorous
Gentle enough to kiss like broad daylight
With you I want to spend all of my nights

You will never wake up and forgive me
And you don’t have the characteristics I require
But if the timing is dire
I say let’s bend the wire

I’ll come back for you
I’ll come back for you