Poem: Lying in a field of daisies

Poem: Lying in a field of daisies

It was Saturday; daisies and sweet sunshine
I bought myself kiwi-watermelon wine
Caught up to you right on time
After work you have a few hours to see me
I’m trying real hard to not tell you the truth about all of the things that are going on with me
If you knew, you’d flee
Though I do better when you’re gone
I never said that I was done
But I like holding your arm like this
Introduce me to your adorable little fish
That you have different names for, and varying relationships with
I almost died on the sixth
You were the last thing on my lips

Your apartment’s above a bakery so we wake up to the smell of cookies and muffins
You ask me something serious, I tell you I got nothing
I’m not made out the way you wanted
I can tell, my thoughts are haunted
I wonder if you’d mind if I just, disappeared
For a while
Long enough to write more poetry that isn’t about you
Long enough to find myself in ways more than pink and blue
Long enough to try to escape the physical body I feel chained and restrained to
Look, it’s going to rain
It’s like God saw me and noticed I’m in pain
I wish I could see my dad again

I looked through my tank playing cards, admiring that T-34
I found his old letters, so many pages I gripped, and I tore
I couldn’t stop myself
I wanted them off my shelf
I should have called for help
But I don’t know whether you are or you aren’t one of those boys that picks up the phone when a girl calls you in the middle of the work day
And to be honest I wasn’t ready to find out that way
So on my light pink bedspread I fell backwards and lay
The moon orchestrated this day
I have faith in the sun but not the stars
I love the different models of them high-up cars
I don’t really mind if all we go to are bars
Just know that here we are
In a place that’s
Not meant for people that bring the noise

Lying in a field of daisies
For a young ballerina, I’ve never looked so poised
And I know by your expression that it makes you annoyed
Go to sleep, close your eyes, listen to the twirling fan noise

Lying in a field of daisies
My response to your behavior has got me annoyed
I’ll stay in a hotel tonight, I’ll pay the fee
Maybe when I get out, I’ll finally be free

Lying in a field of daisies




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Poem: Wisconsin blues

I’ll be next to you

Wisconsin blues
I’m sitting right next to you


To be creative, you need to be able to respond to pain.

I read the news as I wait for the train
CTA baby, ask me out I’ll say maybe
I’m in need of something refreshing
Something to soothe me
Coax me out of this identity
Let me relive the past but only the brilliance of it
Please don’t send me back there
Not the facility
I can’t give up my tranquility
That appears only when the atmosphere fades to black
My insecurities are under attack
Hold on babe someone’s on the other line, wait for me, I’ll be right back


Since the dawn of time
I can’t even remember that far ago
I like it in Wisconsin when I look out the window at the mounds of snow
I give you a kiss on the shoulder and you don’t have to say you love me, I just know
You did it again
You made my day
Took the somber right out of me
Molded me like clay
I think I’m going to be okay

I think I’m going to be okay
I think I’m going to be okay
I think I’m going to be okay
I think I’m going to be okay

On another day


Poem: Stone cold and sober

Poem: Stone cold and sober
See you in the Southern states

I want
An indoor swimming pool
My bills paid
To keep staying sober because I think it’s making me stronger
Credit card declined because I used the wrong one
You feeding me teaspoons of sugar
Things that will never happen
Yet I’m hesitant to hopelessly give up to abandon
Resentment dialing up
7 digits on your face
To the lost and fallen I’m a disgrace
Fade into black, hold my soft embrace
I’m worth the chase
Play you like a maze
My enchanted garden, swimming pools for eternity,
Hail Mary
Hail Jesus
Rest on my soft bed, little Bambi
I’m like sour and sweet candy
Sour and sweet candy

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If the sky and the moon weren’t best friends,
Do you think we’d still like them?
I’m like your parasite
I feed and I feed off of you
Drawing in coloring books next to you
Going outside the lines
You pinch me
I’m a doll
A wound-up character
Always late for school
Not one of the skateboarders so I don’t seem cool
The librarian says I rule


Working the late-night shift
My boss tells me I’m simultaneously the best and the worst of all humankind
I can get behind that
I’m wild like that
Solve your prayers like it’s my job
Poetry books on my bedside table
One day I’ll publish when I’m skilled and able
I’m too busy for cable
Nobody’s trustworthy, nothing I can throw your way 
The crystals unfreeze in May
My Venus is in Virgo, so my love life is a crisis
I no longer pay attention to men
Just count hundred dollar bills
Monopoly money
Come to bed, sweet honey
We’ll talk when we’re older

When we’re older
We’ll talk when we’re older
Stone-cold and sober

We’ll reminisce the good old days for eternity
For eternity

We’ll talk when we’re older
Stone-cold and sober


